This award was given to me by Avada Kedavra, who writes a mean blog and became one of my first bloggy friends.Thank you SO MUCH!
I want to give out this award to...
Bookpusher @ The Genteel Arsenal:Another dear bloggy friend who has an awesome book blog.
Sharazad @The Dangerous Pages Review:Appreciating her efforts for leading a campaign of sorts against banning books.The power of the pen,after all,knows no equal.
Lilu@ Live it,Love it:One word.HILARIOUS.
The next award was given to me by Bookpusher-The Heartfelt Award :)
Do you reach for a cup of cocoa or tea when you’re relaxing, seeking comfort, sharing a plate of cookies with family & friends?You know that feeling you get when you drink a yummy cup of cocoa, tea ~ or a hot toddy?
That is what the Heartfelt award is all about feeling warm inside!
The Rules:1) Put the logo on your blog/post.2) Nominate up to 9 blogs which make you feel comfy or warm inside.3) Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.4) Let them know that they have been nominated by commenting on their blog.5) Remember to link to the person from whom you received your award.
I wish to pass out this award to
Little Miss Blogger @A Little blog about nothing:This is her birthday week,and this a little something for her from me.Happy birthday,LMB!
Avada Kedavra @ Stung by the Splendor of a Crazy thought:ME LURVES YA!
Andy @Reflections:Love ya!
Sonja @Humour Bytes
I hope I made a few people smile today:).Now let me hear your acceptance speech!
OH and btw,I'm not done yet.I found this AWESOME,totally cool meme at Yvette's book blog and I have been meaning to do it for a while and since I have nothing much to do but munch on crackers and sip fanta from a can,I think I just might indulge myself.Consider yourself tagged if you want to do it!
Using only books you have read this year (2009), cleverly answer these questions. Try not to repeat a book title.
Describe Yourself: Mistress of the Game
How do you feel:(like) Chasing Harry Winston
Describe where you currently live: Labyrinth
If you could go anywhere, where would you go: (to)The Godfather,LOL
Your favorite form of transport: Papillon(the butterfly)
Your best friend is: The Kiterunner
What's the weather like: Breaking Dawn(inappropriate,but,er..)
Favourite time of day: Twilight (!!!!)
What is life to you: Heroes of the Holocaust
Your fear: Thorn Birds (Crazy,Iknow lol,buts the only thing that almost goes)
What is the best advice you have to give: (always) Love in the time of cholera :D
Thought for the Day: The Devil Wears Prada (so why can't I?!)
How I would like to die: (of) Desperation (How sad!)
My soul's present condition: Dreamcatcher
wow,that was harder than I thought.But its cool,yes?
Happy Weekend!
Hey thanks sooo much for the award sweetie..The best award that we could get was having you back in the blogosphere.. thank u :) and hey that was a very tuff meme.. recollecting book names and answering.. "I have nothing much to do but munch on crackers and sip fanta from a can" - why is that so? college vacation time?
Hi U r noways Miss Nobody when U can have such a blog. :P
Neways I found U r blog on blog-a-ton. It would be nice if U can visit my blog at
Awww, I love you! Thank you so much, love muffin. And congrats on your TWO awards!!! :-)
Avk:Aww,thats sweet!And you deserve it!Yep,its Durga Puja here in Kol,so yes vacation!
Devashish:Thanks!heheWill surely visit you :)
Lilu:Yaay :) you rule!and thankie
Girlieee.. it's tag time.. I have a tag for you at my site :)
Hi and thanks for the award, I'll post soon. Loved the post below, very funny, talk about puppy love.
Hey girlie.. I have some surprises for you at my site.. check it out
Thanks for the award :D
Lol, don't scratch your head too hard, I was just (mind it, just) joking :P
Congrats and I'm leaving you with an invitation to come to my blog :)
Take care ! :)
Hi, just stopped by to ask if your interested in participating in Michael's Around the world in eighty days book event. Basically Michael has sent a copy of Around the world, around the world, with the aim that it will travel from blogger to blogger eventually returning home to Michael and his son. If your interested let me know as soon as possible and I will send the book onto you. You can email me at stgeitz(AT)tpg(dot)com(dot)au
Happy blogging
AvK:I love surprises!!Hopping over now!
bookpusher:Glad you liked that post heh!And I would love to participate in that book event.Will email you soon :)
sourav:thanks for visitng :P I'll take up the invitiation soon !
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