#2 I can't stand people who can't/ don't handle books properly.I think twice before lending someone one of my books,I have learnt it the hard way,yessir!I have had some of my books misplaced(gasp),mauled (double gasp).Don't you just hate that?If that makes me selfish,oh yea I'm the Queen bee of All Selfish Bitches Association.

#3 I hate sitting with my back to an open window.I'll jump if you say boo.I'll hide under the nearest table if the branches sway or the leaves rustle.You get the picture?I'm the biggest scaredy cat you'll ever meet!

#4 I've had a crush on my bf since first grade,and I've been earnestly denying that,so shhh. Lol.
#5 I am what you'd call a shadow writer.Yep, I invented the term,right here.Lalala.Hm, so whats a shadow writer?One whose writing has never seen daylight.Which,is me.
#6 I have never been to a bar/nightclub/lounge(*gasp*)...no wait I have been to a lounge,so yes.But here's the saver,I'm underaged,and thats all I have got lol.
#7 I have always wanted an older sister,the warm and fuzzy kind,y'know? Not the bossy,"I'll tell mum if you so much as even breathe" kind.Any takers?I promise not to read your journal,or dunk my face in your compact and a hug guaranteed everytime you feel down.I'll even make you a latte,choco mint or berry blast,you pick :D
iTag: Bookpusher @ The Genteel Arsenal (I loved your post on The graveyard book.Anything vampire rocks my socks!)
Sharazad @ The Dangerous Pages Review
Sonja @ Humour bytes
Lilu @Liv it,Luv it
Remember what I told you about reaching the end of the post?Yaay you made it,now lookie

Thats the best *beat the heat* strategy I could come up with,going over the top with the pixie look,which sorta makes me look like Dixie poop...with hair like this,I don't beat it,I WHACK it.