This is to everyone out there who needs to learn that there is a difference between being literate and being educated,the difference between patriotism and terrorism.God isnt up there getting a kick out of your handiwork.I didn't say Your God.Or my God.I said God.Can you spot the difference?
Return of the shadow writer
This is to everyone out there who needs to learn that there is a difference between being literate and being educated,the difference between patriotism and terrorism.God isnt up there getting a kick out of your handiwork.I didn't say Your God.Or my God.I said God.Can you spot the difference?
Awards and some rantdi-doodle-doo

This month it was raining awards for me,and thats a totally good reason to head over to the freezer for that Mocha brownie Fudge,isn't it,isn't it?Regardless of the now,you must have realised if you have been reading me,that the mocha thing is MAH thing,I never get tired of it,neither eating nor bantering about it.Now,back to the award.Honest scrap.Wow.Me?I'm not really the next Harish Chandra,but I see that it pays(not just the moolah,talk about love) to speak your mind.I really appreciate this award,given by Little Ms blogger.Thank you!!Cookie hailstorm for ya!!
“The HonestScrap award comes with a caveat or two. Firstly, you have to tell your readers ten things about you they may not know, but that are true. Secondly, you have to tag 10 people with the award.”
I have done a lot of tags lately, similar ones,so I'm not really going to bore you with bragging about how awesome I am(bah!),you can do that by reading me(heh!) or by clickety clicking here. But by the end of the post,I might have something that could make you go awww/bahahaha/reminiscing about your days as a shrimp/etc.
And now I'm giving away this award to these AWESOME people,whom you SHOULD read.
- Jo at A Majority of Two ( she calls it her boring little blog,but head over and you'll know,bah,boring?!)
- Rhian at So here we Are( Her take on life,relationships,and more)
- Avada Kedavra at Stung by the splendor of a crazy thought (The more I read her,it seems like hey!I know this person!She seems so!)
- Lilu at Liv it,Luv it ( If you don't piss your pants from laughing while going through her blog,then there's something seriously wrong with you)
- Crystal at Shortbread (Her updates are the cutest!Read her for all things sassy and fun!)
- Bookpusher at the Genteel Arsenal (an awesome book blog and all things life
- Sharazad at The Dangerous Pages Review(she has a taste for all things forbidden,apart from the usual, when it comes to reading)
- Sonja at humour bytes (Live a little,laugh a lot.Her take on life in a small west Indian town,truth and learning through experiences.)
- lovely prism at Bewitched,Bothered and Bewildered (she has the coolest way to classify her mood,with exactly these three words.Aw-sum!)
You must be wondering how this pic would remind you of your days as a shrimp.But thats because we are not at the end of the post yet..You know what this pin reminds me of?Lawyers.Sharp,shiny,intelligent,annoying when they get under your skin,literally and figuratively.And now,you MUSt be thinking why this sudden shift of is something I have been thinking about for a while,and now I have to spill it.I havent met many lawyers,but the ones I have met annoyed the hell out of me,especially their habit of turning every convo into a courtroom debate,and every statement you make must have a counter statement,even if you say "I am thirsty",they will probably find a way to make you feel guilty for feeling so.This isn't meant to offend anyone,I'm just worried.If,IF,thats a thousand questions raised,get into a law school(now that I have finished High school),would I turn into this prickly porcupine too?ARGH! :(
On a happier note,look what I dug out(and yes you are almost there,but don't get your hopes high,its not much...)
Yours truly,all of four years.Typical Leo,huh?
Ta,folks.Have a nice day!
Tag love
I love tags,gives me an excuse to talk about my favourite thing,you-know-who!!
1. Mention the person who nominated you (above).
2. List six unimportant things that make you happy
3. Tag six blogs, state the rules & notify them with a teeny comment on their blog.
Six things that make me happy:
Catching up with old friends

Books!Shelves,and stacks of them!
Comments on my posts.*Cough cough* Grinz!
The tv show Friends,watched the reruns a million times but I'm addicted.Wonder if I should get them on Dvd.hmmm...

Icecream.Mocha Brownie fudge!!

Good quotes

and Rain!!
I now tag..
Lovely prism at Bewitched,Bothered and Bewildered
Avada Kedavra at Evanescent Thoughts
Andy at Reflections
Rhian at So here we are
Happy weekend!
New Look!

Picture by Bob.Fornal at Flickr
I HEART my new look,er,the blogy's new look I mean
Thing is,I found this template after a whole lot of searching,trying on atleast 20 more and rejecting them,as is the norm.It may be a tad PINK,okay a lot,but really,truly I love this one.Look around for a bit,shower some love on my furry friend,and come back soon!
Have a nice day!
I always love a good quote

Do I hear you scuffling for seeds?Atta,
Bringing down the heat

Yaaay! Another Award! From Sharazad at The Dangerous Pages Review,that too for speaking my mind.Thank you so much,Sharazad! :) Its always a pleasure to visit you!You should really visit her blog too,one which believes in speaking its mind and is as undaunted as they come!You'll love her!
I love pandas!I love blogging!I love awards!And most of all I love loving,and being loved back!
Debut of the shadow writer
Okay! Enough!Sorry folks,the shadow writer in me got the better of me and finally convinced me to post one of my poems,and looks like you have to bear with my literary hee-haw today .Oh,pretty please,don't navigate away!
Here it comes...
I got an Award!!!..drinks on the house,err,which ever house you're in!
"The Let's be Friends Awards stands for this: These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. "
My very first award!This is absolutely wizard!My first reaction was Blistering Barnacles!Yep,old man Haddock's signature phrase is my particular favourite too!This was given to me by Bookpusher at the Genteel Arsenal,an amazing blog about books and and all things life outside the covers.Head over for some great reviews!Thank you SO much :) This means a lot to me.
I'm an old netizen,but am new to Blogsville,and yet blogging has turned out to be an AMAZING experience.In the past few months I have discovered a number of great blogs I love visiting-book blogs,personal blogs et al.I love reading about your lives,your loves-your hates,your experiences and inexperiences,triumphs and follies,falling down and getting up again and I love sharing mine with you.
And I feel honoured to give this very special award to:
Rhian @ So here we Are-HER space on blogger,she speaks her mind and wouldn't give two hoots if you don't take to her Mothology,but she's a lovely person to connect with.
Sonja @ Humour bytes,an awesome columnist and an even better friend.Her posts make my day,they all come dipped and well coated in humour,sugar,spice and everything nice!
Sharazad @ Dangerous Pages Review.Head over for all things lit.You'll love her!
Penelope @ Life's Sweet Passions- An adorable blog about all things life :)Crystal @ Shortbread.Her's is the cutest blog ever!
Budh.aaah @ we even cry the same way-my poet friend :)
Ashley @ I love you more than carrots.I love her Flashback friday posts!
"At the shrine of friendship Never say die, Let the wine of friendship never run dry." - Les Misérables (Jean-Marc Natel & Alain Boublil )
Edit:You need to pass it on to eight other bloggers :) Have a great weekend!